It's start from my status, hahah gosh ikin mngidam kacang pool. Kacang pool or kacang pol? Hmph Im bad at spelling, seriously! Kacang pol tu apa? Haaa org johor punya makanan. Later Ill upload tht picture. Hihihi I snapped it before makan tadi but now hp takda battery and sy sgt malas nk pg charge. This is a single lady life , I ain't bother about my credit, battery bcs I know nobody going to text me. Llalalalallaala sedih tak? -.-

Haa this is ikin, tyha and me. We went to Universal studio, singapore. It was awesome and we planned to go somewhere else for our next semester break. Boringgggggggggggg dduk rumah. I sleep at 3 and wake up at 12:30(haa ni paling lambat) Hihihihi awful.
I wonder how my classmates spend their semester break. Hmmm. Sama je kot.